Erlang and Docker - Part 1 - Part 1 doesn't need a subtitle

See part 0 here on why I decided to do this. This blog post assumes that you already have some familiarity with Erlang/OTP and Docker. To follow this article, clone cowdock.

First, make sure that everything works, build the release with:

make release

Try running the release with _rel/cowdock/bin/cowdock foreground and point your browser to http://localhost:8080. Now that we have created a release, the next step is to figure out its runtime dependencies. For that, we use ldd:

% ldd _rel/cowdock/erts-6.1.2/bin/*

/usr/lib/erlang/erts-6.2/bin/beam: (0x00007fff5ea90000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86bb68000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86b863000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86b5fe000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86b3e8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86b1cc000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86afc4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fd86ac21000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007fd86bd6c000)
	(output truncated)

Hmm,,,… nothing unusual here, all are provided by the glibc package 1. Two entries stand out: and The former is zlib and is used for compression. I don’t think it is optional. stdlib has a zip module which is loaded on start-up. release_handler has a function called untar_release. However, a quick search for “erlang zlib” gives us a link to the build instruction page, which contains:

–{enable,disable}-builtin-zlib - Use the built-in source for zlib.

This means Erlang can be built with zlib statically linked. Similarly, searching for “erlang ncurses” gives a link to the mailing list, which contains:

Erlang uses ncurses in the terminal driver for the so called new shell.

It is also possible to build an Erlang ersion which does not use term_cap with the configure option

Some of the available configure options are:

–{with,without}-termcap: termcap (without implies that only the old Erlang shell can be used)

This means we can totally get rid of ncurses 2. However, building Erlang is a tedious task. And then there’s also a problem with having multiple versions on the same machine. Luckily, a fine gentleman has created erln8. It’s a tool which helps building Erlang with different configuration and easily switching between different versions. Let’s setup erln8:

# If you have Erlang in /usr/local/bin, this will overwrite it
git clone
cd erln8
sudo make install

# Initial setup
erln8 --init
erln8 --clone default

To setup erln8 to build our customized Erlang version, open ~/.erln8.d/config in a text editor and add the following ridiculously long line under the [Configs] section:

min=--without-termcap --enable-builtin-zlib --without-hipe --disable-hipe --without-orber --without-ic --without-cosEvent --without-cosEventDomain --without-cosFileTransfer --without-cosNotification --without-cosProperty --without-cosTime --without-cosTransactions --without-snmp --without-megaco --without-wx --without-otp_mibs --without-ssh --without-ose --without-ct --without-eunit --without-webtools --without-observer --without-dialyzer --without-odbc --without-os_mon --without-asn1 --without-diameter --without-eldap --without-gs --without-jinterface --without-et --without-edoc --without-erl_docgen --without-debugger

--without-termcap get rids of the ncurses dependency. --enable-builtin-zlib get rid of zlib dependency. Other than that, other applications are disabled to save build time and they are not needed for this example. You can always build a more completed version if needed. Let’s build this customized and stripped down version:

erln8 --build --tag OTP-17.1.2 --id OTP-17.1.2-min --config=min

Now is the time for a commercial break. stay tune, we’ll be back after it finishes building.

To config erln8 to use this version, all we need is an erln8.config file with the following content:


Everytime we cd into that folder or its subfolder, erl will invoke the corresponding version. Let’s rebuild the release:

make clean
make release

Did we get rid of some dependencies?

% ldd _rel/cowdock/erts-6.1.2/bin/*

_rel/cowdock/erts-6.1.2/bin/beam: (0x00007fff417fc000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f8d10c6c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f8d10a68000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f8d10763000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f8d10547000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f8d1033f000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f8d0ff9c000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007f8d10e6f000)
	(output truncated)

Yep, they’re gone. Let’s get to the main part: building a docker base image and our app image.

ArchLinux includes a program called pacstrap which allows one to create a base installation of ArchLinux in another mounted device or folder 3. This is perfect! pacstrap is provided with the arch-install-scripts package. Let’s go through the package that we need:

With that, we can create the root filesystem for our image:

mkdir rootfs
sudo pacstrap -c -d rootfs busybox glibc openssl

# Don't stay as root for too long
sudo sh -c 'chown -R $SUDO\_USER:users rootfs'

cd rootfs
# Install busybox applets
bin/busybox --list | while read cmd
	ln -s /bin/busybox bin/$cmd

Let’s check out how lightweight our minimal installation is:

% du -hs rootfs

154M    rootfs


All our efforts for nothing? Let’s see what’s wrong with this environment:

du -hc rootfs | sort -h

Something uneeded stuff here:

It’s time to:

![DeleteAllTheThings] (

sudo pacman --root `pwd`/rootfs --noconfirm -Rdds perl
rm -rf usr/share/man
rm -rf var/lib/pacman
rm -rf usr/share/doc
rm -rf usr/include
rm -rf usr/share/info
rm -rf etc/pacman.d
find usr/lib/gconv -type f -and -name '*.so' \
                           -and ! -name \
                           -and ! -name \
                   -exec rm {} \;
rm usr/lib/*.a
rm usr/lib/*.o
find usr/share/i18n/charmaps -type f -and ! -name ANSI_X3.110-1983.gz \
                                     -and ! -name UTF-8.gz \
                             -exec rm {} \;
find usr/share/i18n/locales -type f -and ! -name 'translit_*' \
                                    -and ! -name en_US \
                            -exec rm {} \;
find usr/share/zoneinfo -type f -and ! -name UTC \
                                -and ! -name '*.tab' \
                        -exec rm -rf {} \;
find usr/share/zoneinfo -type d -empty -delete
find var/cache -type f -delete
rm -rf var/log/*
rm -rf usr/share/iana-etc #doesnt look that important
rm -rf usr/share/locale #en_US is not using it

hold breath. Let’s check how big this thing is again:

% du -hs rootfs

14M    rootfs

It could be smaller if we are more aggressive in deleting libraries in /usr/lib but I’m playing safe here. For now, it’s close enough to being small. All that’s left is to build a docker image with some automation.


.PHONY: all

all: docker/rootfs.tar.gz
		docker build docker



FROM scratch
ADD rootfs.tar.gz/ /

make will buid everything. All that’s left is to tag the image with docker tag.

Let’s get back to cowdock. We need a Dockerfile to build an image for this app. It’s quite self-explanatory:

FROM bullno1/archerl
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/cowdock/bin/cowdock"]
CMD ["foreground"]
ADD release.tar.gz /opt/cowdock

release.tar.gz is a compressed archive of our release. Building the image is done in a separate sub-folder with compressed files to minimize the amount of data sent to the daemon and save time. The whole process is automated using the following make rules:

.PHONY: docker-image

docker-image: docker/release.tar.gz
	docker build docker

docker/release.tar.gz: release
	cd _rel/cowdock && tar -czf ../../docker/release.tar.gz *

Just type make docker-image and everything will be taken care of. docker tag the image as bullno1/cowdock and run it with:

docker run --rm -P bullno1/cowdock

Woohoo!! It works! Now you can find out the port it was assigned with docker ps and point your browser to that.

See the “Hello world” message? Here’s a programmer Ryan Gosling picture for absolutely no reason:


And that’s it. Feel free to use bullno1/archerl for your apps. Tell me if you can reduce its size further and still keep Erlang running.

  1. To figure out which package provides a given library under ArchLinux, use pkgfile, other distros should have similar utilities. 

  2. Old style shell is functional but unpleasant to work with. However, there are ways to get around it. This will be addressed in future posts. 

  3. The build script will use vagrant to build if Arch Linux is not the host operating system. This is done automatically. 

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